
Kristianslyst skole

Kristianslyst school is a public lower secondary school situated in the southern part of Stavanger. Kristianslyst school lays in an area of Stavanger`s suburbs consisting of housing established at the end of the 1950`s as Stavanger was increasing. The pupils 388 altogether are 13-16 years of age in 8th, 9th and 10th grade. In 2014, students and teachers moved into a brand new school-building. The Norwegian syllabus, "Kunnskapsløftet", give us wide approach to the fields of learning. These targets are narrowed by a plan given by Stavanger community and then we make our plan according to this plan. Thus we have focused on reading strategies and methods in math`s the last few years, and we have chosen as our own focus area to work with drama and music. We have 33 teachers and 2 assistants, social worker, clerk, 2 deputies. Our school focus on ICT and this year we work with google chromebooks. We have good experience with the Comenius program with Italy, Ireland, Spain, Austria and Erasmus+ project “Meet up with the future” with Turkey, Iceland, Germany and Chech Republic. The former and ongoing project was very inspiring and educational. It is important for both students and teachers to learn and discover new and different things from other countries.

Our schools administration support internationalization projects, and we have a lot of experience with cooperation during earlier projects in Europe and projects outside Europe. The staff are also supporting the Erasmus+ project and the key-persons at our school cooperate very good. Every students at our school have to answer a lot of questions in a survey about for instance subjects at school, support from teachers and parents, bullying and motivation. The results showed that a lot of our students struggles with motivation and this is a topic we have discussed in our staff. We believe in the importance to make a good relations between students and teachers. We also believe in doing more practical and varied lessons in hope to make our students more motivated for school. In this Erasmus+ project we have the opportunity to do practical workshops and in that way we offer ways to create outlet for students. More focus on practical subjects in school could result in more motivated and satisfied students, more happiness and less stress. Students needs competance in cooperation, creativity to make the professions of the future.